The Town of Mancos has budgeted funds from the General Fund to support area organizations.
As part of the application process, organizations will be asked to explain how the funds that they are requesting will be used, who will benefit from these programs, and how the organization’s activities meet pre-determined funding priorities set by the Board of Trustees. Organizations will also be asked to submit a profit and loss statement and balance sheets for the previous year and this year to date.
Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on April 15 (1st round) and September 15 (2nd round). If this falls on a weekend or holiday, all applications are due by close of business the Monday following the weekend or holiday. All area organizations who feel that their activities meet the funding priorities that Board of Trustees will set for the budget for Community Support Contributions are encouraged to apply.
Town of Mancos
Community Support Contribution Guidelines
The Board of Trustees has budgeted funds from the General Fund to support community organizations that preserve or enrich the health, education, welfare, and fitness of the community. Funding decisions for service and arts organizations, school and athletic organizations are decided by the Board of Trustees. Funding requests shall not exceed $1,500 per round.
The Town of Mancos endeavors to promote community support organizations through this Agency Contribution process. Funding priorities are:
- Organizations that address a unique community need.
- Organizations that serve a broad spectrum of the community.
- Organizations that avoid overlapping services.
The Town of Mancos will consider proposals from community organizations that meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Applications will be accepted from organizations that provide programs for citizen welfare, arts and education. Programming and activities shall be accessible to the Town of Mancos community.
- Only one (1) application may be submitted per organization per budget year. Please submit one original.
- Supplemental documentation may only be sent to the Town of Mancos at their request.
- Applicants, or their representative, must be available to answers questions from the Board when their application is presented.
An oral follow-up report on the use of Town of Mancos funds is required with the next round of applications. For example, if the organization is funded during the first round in April, a representative must appear before the Board during the second round in September to provide an update to the Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees will evaluate each application according to its strengths, merits, and completeness. Amount of awards, funding agreements, and comments to applicant organizations will be mailed out in January and June of each year.
1st Round – April 15 at 5:00 p.m. (Checks issued in early June)
2nd Round – September 15 at 5:00 p.m. (Checks issued in early January)
The Board of Trustees will evaluate each application according to its strengths, merits, and completeness. Amount of awards, funding agreements, and comments to applicant organizations will be mailed out in January and June of each year.
1st Round – April 15 at 5:00 p.m. (Checks issued in early June)
2nd Round – September 15 at 5:00 p.m. (Checks issued in early January)
Applications shall be dropped off or mailed to Town Hall (117 North Main), Attention Heather Alvarez or sent via email to Applications are heard at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.
Applicants who fail to appear at the Board meeting will not be considered. Late or incomplete (i.e. submitted without all questions answered or an inappropriate number of copies of application submitted) applications will not be accepted or considered. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Nondiscrimination: including statutes prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, creed, disability, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, or marital status.
Nondiscrimination: including statutes prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, creed, disability, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, or marital status.
Credit/Acknowledgement: Community Support recipients agree that a notice will be included in appropriate announcements and promotional efforts stating:“This activity/event/program is supported by a contribution from the Town of Mancos.”