Weed Mitigation Follow Up


In response to recent feedback to the Town regarding weed mitigation at Boyle Park, please see the following statement:

The Town of Mancos, like other governmental entities in Colorado, must comply with the Colorado Noxious Weed Act which requires the removal and management of certain undesirable plants which “constitute a present threat to the continued economic and environment value of the lands of the state and if present in any area of the state must be managed.” The list of undesirable plants includes weeds that are currently growing in abundance at Boyle Park, such as Houndstongue, Thistle, Black Medic, Broadleaf Plantain, and Bindweed.

For several years, at the request of town citizens, the Town of Mancos has severely limited its use of chemical fertilizers and herbicides at Boyle Park in favor of organic methods. The town regularly aerates, overseeds, and mows the turf to 3.5 inches. Fertilizers and herbicides approved by the Organic Materials Review Institute are also used and the town has attempted to hire seasonal employees to help manually remove weeds. Volunteers have periodically made an effort to pull weeds in the park as well. Many of these efforts have significantly increased expenses to the town and yet the weeds have come back in abundance.

The Mancos Town Board recognizes the important role the town must play in reclaiming weed infested areas and removing noxious weeds and non-native plant species to help protect ecosystem integrity and the surrounding area’s native plant diversity. Additionally, the town is committed to maintaining healthy turf grass in Boyle Park because that is the best defense against weeds. Thus, the town board has decided to have Boyle Park treated with traditional fertilizers and herbicides. The town will notify citizens by posting signs at the park and posting the information on its website and Facebook page. Although experts recommend staying off the treated areas for four hours, the town will close the park for the day to ensure its safe use.

Noxious weeds are a threat to natural resources and can be materially damaging to the land of neighboring property owners. As mentioned in the Colorado Noxious Weed Act, croplands, rangeland, and habitat for wildlife and native plant communities are being destroyed by noxious weeds each year. The Town of Mancos must do its part to mitigate this threat and be a responsible land steward. The town is still committed to moving to alternative, chemical-free options for maintenance of Boyle Park when possible.


