Notice for Vacant/Inactive Tap Holders

by Town Departments | September 1, 2016 12:26 pm

At its regular meeting on August 24, 2016, the Board of Trustees approved Ordinance 718 Series 2016, which set new rates for owners of water and sewer taps that are in vacant or inactive status. All owners of these taps are being notified. Beginning with the October utility bill that is sent out in November, the new monthly fee will be $18.36/month for water and $18.14/month for sewer. This will be the monthly bill until August of 2017 while taps are on vacant or inactive status.  Starting in August of 2017, the water and sewer rates will increase for all holders of vacant and inactive taps to the current monthly minimum that all customers are paying. The reason for this change is to help bring the vacant/inactive fee of $5.00 per month (which has not increased since 1990) up to the current costs. Regardless of whether a customer has an activated tap on a property, there are significant operational and capital costs to run the water and sewer systems. While the town seeks grants and loans where available to help pay for capital improvements, this critical infrastructure must be financed in large part by all tap holders.


For a copy of the Ordinance please click here

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