Mancos Comprehensive Plan

by Town Departments | October 7, 2014 10:46 am

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The Mancos Comprehensive Plan is a guide for preserving the unique small town character of our community while meeting the diverse needs and changing priorities of our growing population.  For 18 months the Mancos Planning Commission gathered community input through surveys, workshops and public meetings.  Response shows that Mancos residents value diversity, safety, affordability, outdoor recreation, the arts, local economic opportunities, a clean environment, and high quality education and services.  These principles guided the Planning Commission in designing and developing the Comprehensive Plan’s sections on:

The Comprehensive Plan includes analyses of historic trends and existing conditions in each section, and makes recommendations for actions that can be taken in order to promote the community’s values for current and future generations.

Using the Plan

Citizens and Business Owners can use the plan:

Town Staff and Officials can use the plan to:

Land Owners and Developers can use the plan:

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